Cannot use Webmail after fresh OS/DA install


Verified User
Feb 26, 2004
Dallas, TX
Here is the error when trying to access Uebimiau

Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:110 in /var/www/html/webmail/inc/class.uebimiau_mail.php on line 66

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/webmail/inc/class.uebimiau_mail.php:66) in /var/www/html/webmail/msglist.php on line 21

When I click on Squirrelmail I got a 404 page cannot be found error.

I went to /usr/local/directadmin/scripts and ran ./ but that did not work. I am using Freebsd 4.9 by the way.

If port 110 isn't open the vm-pop3d isn't runing. Check the /var/log/messages and /var/log/mailllog for clues. Also try: "telnet localhost 110" to see if you can connect.

vm-pop3d is running and i can telnet to it fine. Still getting "page cannot be displayed by squirrelmail but when i try the Uebimiau nothing is showing up in the maillog or the messages.

telnet localhost 110

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK POP3 Welcome to vm-pop3d 1.1.6 <11644.1078156308


Mar 1 16:21:39 santacruz vm-pop3d[11703]: Connect from
Mar 1 16:21:39 santacruz vm-pop3d[11703]: Socket closed


ar 1 16:20:25 santacruz /kernel: Connection attempt to TCP [::0001]:110 from [::0001]:1109 flags:0x02
Mar 1 16:20:59 santacruz last message repeated 7 times
Mar 1 16:21:23 santacruz /kernel: Connection attempt to TCP [::0001]:110 from [::0001]:1109 flags:0x02
Found out what the issue was. I had inetd disabled by default and therefore imapd was disabled as well. Directadmin is working 100% now thanks to the help of the DA support team.