Can't add domain


Verified User
Jun 3, 2003
I have a customer having an issue adding a domain to his account.

He already has a domain on the account say and he is trying to add the domain but it is giving him an error "Domain already exists"

Is there a fix for this, or what can I do to add the site manually? I assume when DA is searching for a dup name when adding domain names, it doesn't take into account the "-" hyphen in a domain name?
It should take into account the hyphen.

Make sure the domain doesn't show up in DirectAdmin or any of DirectAdmin's database. Then make sure the the domain directory does not exist in that users domains directory and make sure that there is no entry for it in the named database, which is usually the culprit.
Most likely the domain name is already set up in DNS, perhaps because your user previously used the domain name as an alias or pointer.

If the domain name is already set up in DNS the server won't allow it to be added.


Remove the zone if it exists in DNS. Then your user should be able to create the domain.
