Can't create user


Verified User
Nov 7, 2010

I can't create a user.
It's half created, not all user files are stored in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/USER and he can't create domain pointers (error reading db).
I even can't delete the user, I just get a loading screen.

Changing username doesn't work.
Manually adding doesn't work.
Manually removing doesn't work.

I need to solve this fast, please help!

Kind Regards,
Make sure you've got enough space on all your partitions.

Try removing the user manually, and then reinstalling.
# userdel -r USERNAME
# rm -f /var/named/DOMAIN.NAME.db
Then remove the DNS zone from the DirectAdmin control panel if it still exists.

Then you should be able to recreate the user.

Im now able to recreate the user, but when I add the user the page keeps loading and loading. The user is not fully created, there are a few files in the directadmin directory and the user doesn't show up in "Show all users".
I think I found the problem.
Im using a script (from the DirectAdmin forum) for my second nameserver.
I found this in my server emails:

Time: Mon Nov 5 21:34:03 2012 +0100
Account: nameserver
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 9047 > 1800 (seconds)
Executable: /usr/bin/rsync
Command Line: /usr/bin/rsync -a -e ssh -i /home/nameserver/.ssh/nameserver -z --delete /home/nameserver/ [email protected]:/home/nameserver/tmp/
PID: 25605
Killed: No

Time: Mon Nov 5 21:32:02 2012 +0100
Account: nameserver
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 9057 > 1800 (seconds)
Executable: /bin/bash
Command Line: /bin/bash /home/nameserver/
PID: 25390
Killed: No

But, I don't know how to solve it.
It always worked good.
It's fixed now.
After troubleshouting with the emails I've found, I came out on my second server.
It appeared that the second server stuck was because of high load. A simple restart and the problem was solved.

Anyway thanks for your help, it helped me with deleting the user.