Can't FTP into Site


Verified User
Dec 7, 2011

I'm taking over a site and I can't ftp into the site, I'm using Filezilla and I use ftp.domainname as my host, the username and password that was given to me and I'm leaving the port empty. No one else that has worked on the site can either. When I try to connect I get, EAI_NODATA - No address associated with nodename. I've already tried creating another FTP account and changing my directadmin password and nothing has been working. Please help

Another note: I just realized that the site doesn't have anything in file manager, am I supposed to have a public_html folder, etc. I don't know if this affects my issue
Are you a server owner or a customer of a hosting-company? If the first, read FTP logs. If the second you should refer to your hosting company support.

I just realized that the site doesn't have anything in file manager

What do you mean? Attach a screen-shot, so we could understand the issue.
I believe we are a customer of the the hosting company so I will ask but I'm not quite sure what to ask, do I ask for the host name,username,password for ftp? I thought that we handled our ftp through here, so I'm just confusing myself. and by nothing in filemanager I meant that we have no website files in our file folders, see below:

12-8-2011 8-46-57 AM.png
Select "domains" -> select a domain -> select "public_html"

If any error occurs, first ask your hosting provider.

I'm not quite sure what to ask

Send then your first message of the thread to your hoster.
When I click on domains, it doesn't have any files or folders in there, do I create a folder called my domain and then another called public_html?
I also get this when I try to create a folder:

An error occurred while attempting to create the directory


You must enter a valid path. eg: /public_html

I've tried to create a folder for my domain name and the public_html with and without the slash