Can't ftp transfer backup


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
I am desperately trying to do a admin backup/transfer of all account to new server. I am using new server root user and password, and new server ip in the field for "Where"

Path is

Port number is: 21

I always get errors like this

User admin has been backed up.
ncftpput: cannot open XXX.XXX.XXX: username and/or password was not accepted for login.

XXX.XXX.XXX is changed, it is my new server wich I am trying to transfer to.

What could be wrong? What can I do instead to transfer?
I have now created the backup files localy in /home/home/admin/admin_backups and then I go to my new server and under "Restore Backup", under "From Where" I select "Ftp" and then user server ip, root user and password. Then in "Remote Path" I add /home/admin/admin_backups

Then I click "Update Files", then I get this error:
/sh: line 40: /home/tmp/604.dump: No such file or directory

What can I do?
1) The ftp user should be "admin"

2) The ftp path should be /admin_backups (as it's relative to /home/admin)

3) The /home/tmp/605.dump error sounds like /home/tmp is missing.
Ensure that directory exists, and is chmod to 1777.

4) If the tar.gz files exist in /home/admin/admin_backups/*.gz, ensure they're all chowned to admin:admin, eg:
cd /home/admin
chown -R admin:admin admin_backups
I am having the exact same issue with regards to backing up to a remote DA machine. I have 5 DA machines that freely allow this, but this one, which we just provisioned, will not allow it. We are logging in as admin with the correct password, and backing up to /admin_backups.

Any idea what might cause this, and where to look to find it?

Thanks in advance for any help...
Check your firewalling. Most OS Distributions don't have firewall ports open for ftp by default.
