cant get into directadmin


New member
May 28, 2004

Im now at my wits end my son has accidently delted some files from my web space adn i can no longer log in either via ftp or dorect admin i have written loads of email to try and resolve this is there any other way to sort this as im new to web design and would like to geta page up asap.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but after now 3 days of trying to get this fixed im at a loss where else to turn

Deleteing files in your webspace should not prevent you from logging in to DA. If you have a Reseller account and deleted a User, then obviously that User won't be able to login :) It would have to be recreated. If you could provide information on what type of account you have (Admin, Reseller or User) we'd be able to figure out the problem more easily. Also if you include the domain name that's affected we can figure out quite a bit just from that.

If you pay a hosting company for your account, you'll probably just want to send them and email.

Im the admin of the account and it is hosted by a hosting company as im new to all this i used to get via direct admin but can no longer use this as m username and pasword are not working the ip address involved is until they resolve my domin name issue.
fastwind said:
m the admin of the account and it is hosted by a hosting company
It sounds as if you're a domain user. If so, then you need to contact the hosting company who set up your hosting account; only they will be able to reset your useraccount and password.
the ip address involved is until they resolve my domin name issue.
That IP# appears to be the shared IP# for the server in question; it doesn't tell us anything useful.

I'd say contact your hosting company.

thanks for all the help finally got it sorted it was a hosting problem the reset my account now all working ok :)