can't see my site!


Verified User
Jul 15, 2004
I have purchased a hostlogical hosting account and am trying to upload my files via Frontpage. I enter the 'publish destination' as but my username/password is continually rejected. I am confident that I am entering them correctly.

In the end, I uploaded via the ftp utility in the control panel. The files uploaded OK but I can't see them on the web. When I type into my browser address bar I can only see the holding page that I deleted several days ago!

I'm not sure if these are factors:
1. soon after I purchased the hosting I went to my exisiting host and pointed my domain towards the Hostlogical nameservers.
2. Also, I have requested that my domain is transferred to hostlogical.

I would really appreciate some advice!!

1. Make sure your uploading the files to the public_html directory.
2. Try accessing your site with http://serverip/~username and see if that works
3. ping your domain and make sure its pointing towards your new hosts ip to make sure that the transfer has actually taken place succesfully, it may still be pointing towards your old hosting account.
As for connecting to your webpage before your domain transfer takes place. You have to do just a little more translating.

if your serverip =, username = footy

your backdoor url would be

but I don't know what your real username is so fill in the blanks here, is really suppose to be what?
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Aha! So this is why I can't see the pages that I uploaded to my hosting account?

Is this also the reason why I can't upload to via Frontpage?

thanks for your time