Can't upload files with DA filemanager


Verified User
Apr 19, 2005
upload to home dir public_html

Hello to they who can help me,

I have a script what is running on ip http://123.456.789
with a directory test (http://123.456.789/test)

in this directory the script is running;

This script must be uploading images or other files to the user who had login on the script.

when i use his home dir
to upload the files.

it won't work, no files been uploaded.

even when i make a new dir in his public_html dir and chmod it in 777.

any idea? some one?
Can you use DA's filemanager to modify/load files?

If yes, there's probably an error in your script. Consider looking at Apache's error-log to find a sensible message.

Thanks for your answer,

The script is fine, it works before on a diffrent level/server/system.

The error log file did not gives any information about what is wrong.

I can not upload file with DA filemanager too

Where can I find the file manager script of DA on the server, maybee I can take a look overthere, to find out what wrong.

If there are any others who can help me, or other sugestions
, please be so helpfull.
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If DA cannot write files in the user home dir, there must be something wrong with your permissions.

If your using Linux, did you check all directory levels above the user dir to have oga+x? Or in numerical these should be 711.

The files actually haven't been uploaded, or they are not displaying when you go to the test directory?

What version of DirectAdmin are you running, what operating system, and do you have root access to the server?

Does this user have a dedicated IP address and not a server shared one? otherwise, if it is a shared IP, you would be trying to load files out of /var/www/html and not a user's home directory.
Since DirectAdmin is a compiled C program, I don't think your chances of seeing the FileManager source are very good ;)
Have you contacted DirectAdmin about this problem?
After reading both threads (and merging them both into one under "General Technical Discussion & Troubleshooting" I believe Jon has found the problem, but I want to state it a bit more clearly:

You cannot upload using http to an IP# and expect the upload to go to the right place unless the site has it's own dedicated IP#.

Because apache has no idea where to put the file unless there's a host header.


Now I know I need an other script, but Jeff,

what is a host header?

an how must i make one, so I can still use the script.

DA jonck
Type "host_header" (without the quotes), and feel lucky...

or go here.

The host header is sent by the browser. I don't have any idea how your PHP script or Curl can set it.

But Google is your friend :) .
