Can't upload images after migration, can't save CHMOD changes


New member
Feb 9, 2021

I am a not advanced in webmastering and I have migrated my website myself, with C-Panel Direct admin Backup.
It looked good until i tried uploading a picture to the wordpress website (maybe I should have migrated with a wordpress plugin instead?).

I get : Impossible to create de uploads folder.
"Is its parent directory writable by the server?"

So following help instructions from the web, i changed the permissions to 777 and selected recursive option.
It doesn't work, BUT i noticed that after refreshing the Direct Admin page, the recursive option is set to No again. Even though it says "success saving" it's not really saved after refresh. I wonder if this is the problem.

I also unchecked in wordpress media options save my files in a monthly file.

I have several users FTP and several websites on the same server hosting plan, so I wondr if there is either a mistake there maybe?

Thank you for your help!
I also tried to access wp_config file but I didn't find it in wp_content neither in wp-includes or wp-admin. Is it possible that i don't have it? My website is operated since a year and i just migrated it.
I found a solution, maybe this will help other people with the same issue :

1. finding wp-config.php file when you can't see it in Public_html : change view setting to "table view".

2. then : adding a code in the file as suggested here

This let WordPress recognize the location of the uploads folder.
As adding manually via FTP file Manager an image, then didn't find it in my wordpress admin, I could be sure there was a path problem.

Now it works!