Cassandra support


Verified User
Nov 24, 2009
Was curious if DA thought about supporting Cassandra?

I would imagine it would another really nice feature to add to the MultiServer Setup since it clusters so well.

Has anyone setup Cassandra and have DA customers using it?

With some bigger sites using it (facebook, twitter, digg, reddit, etc) I have had a few requests for it.
Cassandra is not really a database system meant for shared hosting solutions. It would be better suited for a highly scalable cloud setup such as rackspaces cloud sites.

It also is a different approach to database design as in none of the current applications on the internet support it because they were designed for SQL / Relational databases. Where Cassandra is a key value based database and applications have to be specifically written for it.

If you wanted to offer Cassandra I would highly recommend rolling out a solution that is much more scalable than Directadmin.

But on the same note about databases that are compatible with the current applications we need the ability for better scalability with our current directadmin setups and that is achievable as one of the original MySQL directors has gone off to create his own branch of MySQL that has the bloat stripped down and is meant for fast scalable web applications:

Here is a great rundown from rackspace about Drizzle:

here is the Drizzle project:

This could very much be a drop in replacement for the current directadmin mysql setup.
Interesting. The next obvious step in this conversation would be: what about Drizzle support? If it's a branch of MySQL, one would assume current mysql applications would support it?