Catch-all not working (DA 1.657 & exim 4.97)


New member
Dec 5, 2023
Hello there!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

I have trouble with setting up a catch all mail address. I made the e-mail account on user level for a specific domain in DirectAdmin. I'm not really familiar with DirectAdmin, but when I send an email to my server (that is running DirectAdmin and such) I see an exim log stating the mail is rejected due to 'unrouteable address', although the domain is correct.

OS: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
DirectAdmin: 1.657
Exim: 4.97

I confirmed the domain has a record in:
/etc/virtual (as a folder)

I confirmed the domain does not have a record in:

If you have a clue what may have been misconfigured, don't hesitate to reply ?
I made the e-mail account on user level for a specific domain in DirectAdmin.
Have you also enabled catchall mail in the users package?

Just to be sure if it's enabled check this file:
see if it contains a line:
or if it's set to OFF or not present at all.
Thank you so much for coming back to me Richard!

I can confirm that catchall is set to "ON".
In case it may be relevant: for this user, multiple domains are configured and the domain I would like to use the catch-all on, is not the default domain.
I'm sorry for double posting. I'd love to update my previous post with the next information, but seems like I'm unable to.

If I set the catch all email feature to "fail" and I send an email to the created mail account directly ([email protected]), exim logs show me the same, saying "Unrouteable address" ?

Edit: Seems like I was too slow in updating it ?
After some stress and a lot of trial and error, even before posting here, I got it working.
Not sure what went wrong here, but in case anyone runs into the same problem, here is what I've done.

Through DirectAdmin web interface, on user level I deleted the domain (make sure you back up your files, because they will be deleted in an unretrievable way!).
After that I used `grep` to find potential other traces of the domain I want deleted in the /etc folder. It found a record in /etc/virtual/domainowners and I delete the line in that file stating the now deleted domain.
Then I recreated the domain, the email address ([email protected]) and set up the catch all feature to this email address.

It seems to be working now and I'd like to thank Richard again for his reply and his time.
but seems like I'm unable to.
You will be once (after a certain amount of posts) your state on the forum changes from new member to Verified User. ;)

It seems to be working now and I'd like to thank Richard again for his reply and his time.
You're very welcome.

I don't know when you installed this server, but DA is installed very fast, but the rest is all in the background. If you are creating domains and mail addresses during the time things are still being configuredin the background, it might lead to this kind of issue.
So if this is the case, on a next installation (or for whoever is reading this), best is to wait installing domains and users until you got the system message that background installation is finished.

I'm not saying this happened here, but could be possible cause.

Great to here you could fix the issue and thank you for posting the solution! (y)