catch_all in EMail Settings


Verified User
Apr 23, 2007
I'm a new user, so I may be just totally lost
:confused:. Anyway, I want to add a catch_all EMail address, but that option does not show up in my DA control panel.

If it is no longer catch_all, how do I set up a generic address ([email protected]) ?


Catch_all is a very bad idea now with all the spam. Using a catch_all you will likely receive hundreds if not thousands of spam emails per day.
When u use admin interface click on user interface and u will find catch all there.

No, I don't see that option.....hence my issue. It may be turned on for you, but the good folks at have it disabled. I wrote a quick ticket on it and that is what I was told.
If your provider chooses to not allow that function, then you need to take it up with them; there's no secret workaround.

Being a new user I had thought that DirectAdmin and my hosting site ( were one and the same. I know better now.

I have since opened a ticket with and found out that they did indeed disable the catch_all function.

I just had to learn the hard way to separate my questions/concerns by vendor.

Thanks for not being too hard on the new guy.....