CentOS 7.0 and Imap


Verified User
Dec 11, 2008
I try to install IMAP on both Apache and Nginx methods and it's not working on CentOS 7
Any advice, right now with Nginx.

for nginx, just not including the imap module

Best Regards,
Star Network.
Error on apache:
configure: error: utf8_mime2text() has new signature, but U8T_CANONICAL is missing. This should not happen. Check config.log for additional information.
Thanks, but
yum install libc-client-devel libc-client
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: centos.syn.co.il
* extras: centos.syn.co.il
* updates: centos.syn.co.il
No package libc-client-devel available.
No package libc-client available.
Error: Nothing to do
The package for 64bit can be found in Atomic repo:

Thanks for your help!
work now :)
need 4 packages:
and also to do:
ln -s /usr/lib64/libc-client.a /usr/lib/libc-client.a

All the Best,
Star Network.
The package for 64bit can be found in Atomic repo
Might it be a good idea for us to include the Atomic Repository into our CentOS installs? I found a guide for installing it into RHEL 6 here (ehowstuff.com) and it should be just as easy to install it into CentOS 7.

Should I add it to my own setup scripts? Should we request that DirectAdmin add it to their pre-install instructions? What do you think?


I'd rather say 'No' here. I usually don't use Atomic repo (not sure about other users and administrators), so if you need it it should be an option disabled by default. If so, then why should we use CB2 or directadmin script to add it?

I mostly use and trust Epel repo, less a bit Remi (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/installing-rhel-epel-repo-on-centos-5x-or-6x). And you? Epel/Remi repos might bring to a conflict of RPM versions if to use them with other 3rd party's repos.

Actually Epel repo for CentOS 7 already have the packages:


So no need to use Atomic repo at all.

That's my experience, and yours might differ.
Thanks, zEitEr. I already insall both Epel and Remi repos on new servers.

In your opinion, should we be including these packages on all machines, or only wait until it appears we need them (since forum software shortens the URLs to the point of unreadability, I've posted them here):


(or of course the 32 bit versions as appropriate)

Which would you consider best practice?


Jeff, I think that the first post led you to believe that it's needed for IMAP (dovecot) to function. These RPMs are needed for PHP-IMAP (imap support in PHP) only. Also, EPEL repo is enough for that, there is no need for REMI.
Thanks, Martynas.

I personally need some other things I wasn't finding in EPEL (don't remember exactly which now) so I know that's why I started installing REMI as well.

My main concern now is these RPMs:


should I make sure all are installed on all new installations?

I have one script that I use before running DirectAdmin install and I'm simply wondering if I should add these if they're not already there.



In your opinion, should we be including these packages on all machines, or only wait until it appears we need them

As Martynas already mentioned the packages are needed for PHP imap extension to work, which is not a part of PHP (from CustomBuild) by default (a guide can be found here: http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=341). I add EPEL repo almost on all machines with CentOS, that's not a big deal to do it while configuring. But if directadmin setup script and custombuild script do not install anything from EPEL repo, I'd rather say they should not add EPEL repo to a system.
I guess then the last question should be:

Should I as a webhost provider, add php-imap for my clients to use? Are there disadvantages?

Unless there are serious disadvantages, and if I'm going to add the php-imap when the first client asks for it, then I might as well add it when I build the server.

Any comments?

Regular CMS don't require PHP-IMAP. I don't know anything of your customers and what software they use either.
Regular CMS don't require PHP-IMAP. I don't know anything of your customers and what software they use either.

I've installed those packages. But I'm getting this message:
configure: error: Cannot find imap library (libc-client.a). Please check your c-client installation.

They are installed correctly, also the devel packages. Any ideas?