CentOS 7.7 released

I remember when 7 came out, I thought about updating but wanted to wait most of the issues have been smoothed out...
And now 8 is already waiting to happen.
Started with upgrading the CentOS 7.x servers yesterday, so far everything is fine here with kernel-3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64 and the company.
I just tried on vps (not critical) and custombuild plugin area showing

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/tabs/update_so
just happened have not had to chance to troubleshoot
I just tried on vps (not critical) and custombuild plugin area showing

just happened have not had to chance to troubleshoot

Has nothing to do with centOS but with php 7.2 which has a change when using count() on a variable that’s not an array. Before using count() in php you can check the variable with is_countable() or use is_array() .

My box was updated successfully without issues on centOS 7.7
Has nothing to do with centOS but with php 7.2 which has a change when using count() on a variable that’s not an array. Before using count() in php you can check the variable with is_countable() or use is_array() .

My box was updated successfully without issues on centOS 7.7

hould doing php rebuild correct?