Solved Centos 7 finetuning & Hardening.


Verified User
May 7, 2021
The Netherlands
What are the best options to get Centos 7 running after a fresh install with the best options & security settings before / after install DirectAdmin?
No there is no full admin howto.
This is the old doc, has some other options I don't see that quick in the new doc:

Do not use the chown and chgrp commands on perl. Or use the new method if you want to limit them. But in the old doc way more files are protected like also curl and wget.

Also install csf/lfd and configure it good. You can secure /dev/shm and /tmp if you want, I posted that somewhere else.
yep i have used this before, works ok for me. but need all the best options to get the best results :-)

natuurlijk ff uitgeprobeerd en zeker een optie om (weer) te gebruiken :-)
yep i have used this before, works ok for me. but need all the best options to get the best results :)

natuurlijk ff uitgeprobeerd en zeker een optie om (weer) te gebruiken :)
For lot of things you also need to know how server is used and aplications on it also the expected loads and so on.
I can't help with that, but fine tuning is only going to work if you know and (LOG / AUDIT) the aplications on the server. (if you are also admin for those is more easy then if others are, then you have to work together to get best results.)


Example here i did blocked country ip blocks (CN and so) in CSF firewall, after server move to other data center it was "slow network" (wintrace ) because of those, ( that datacenter then stay's it was that blocked country / ip's) hmm
So you have to log/audit all the way all the time . ;)