You don't have permission to access /alex_stuff/nph-123456789proxy.cgi on this server.
Apache/1.3.34 Server at bigstarchoices.com Port 80
How do i correct this? If i put it into cgi-bin, same thing. I am having an index refresh to that file, but the file wont access... why not?
tanks (i am using macrowww hosting btw)
You don't have permission to access /alex_stuff/nph-123456789proxy.cgi on this server.
Apache/1.3.34 Server at bigstarchoices.com Port 80
How do i correct this? If i put it into cgi-bin, same thing. I am having an index refresh to that file, but the file wont access... why not?
tanks (i am using macrowww hosting btw)