change backup path HOW?


New member
Jul 18, 2007
Is there a way to change the path that user/reseller level backups are sent to?

currently its seems to be storing in /home/username/user_backups/

we have a couple of clients with massive ****es and its causing the /home partition to fill up

is it possible to adjust the path to send the backups to a second drive which is mounted as /backup ?

if so how as i cant see anywhere to adjust this one, only the admin level backups
Dunno if its changeable. How are you going to give permissions so only the user has access to their files and their files only :)

Your going to probably have to use /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/

With code like:

rm -rf /home/$username/user_backups
mkdir /backup/$username
chown $username:$username
ln -s /backup/$username /home/$username/user_backups
exit 0
I see an error in the script, but in general it should work. Give /backup (on it's own partition) the same ownership and rights as /home.

After the mkdir /backup/$username be sure to chmod it to 711.

Then it should work.
