Change IP address of a domain owned by admin


Verified User
Aug 11, 2006

I am the admin of my server.
I have about 5 or 6 domains which all have the main server's ip as the ip address.

Ive recently purchased some more ip's , and ive added them, setup them up
as reseller=admin and the 1 in particular is a shared ip address.

Im currently hosting some other users on that shared ip address

I now as admin want to move some of my domains onto the shared ip address and get them off the main server ip address

How can i change these domains to the new shared ip address
Each user, including admin, is restricted to using only one IP#. Create a new user, at the IP# you want to use, using admin's reseller control panel. Then:

1) backup the admin-owned domains from the admin user-level control panel.

2) download the backup to a local machine.

3) take apart the backup (it's a tarball).

4) remove from it the backups of the domains you DON'T want to move to the new IP#.

5) repack the backup.

6) upload it

7) delete the domains you're moving from the admin user panel.

7) unpack your backup in the new user you created in the reseller section.

Or search these forums; I think someone has offered a script (perhaps commercially) to do it more easily.
