Change IP under "All Users"?


Verified User
Feb 6, 2012
So my host just migrated servers, and i was moved along - I got the DNS sorted, so that points towards the new IP 68.xx.xx.xx - but still I get the following when trying to access the site: "Apache is functioning normally" - the license has been moved - and I access Direct Admin just fine through the new IP.

Alright - something is afoot, so I started looking around - and the only thing I can find that might the cause is that under Admin Level > Show all user - the IP is still the old one

So I thought i just needed to change the IP - but I can't for the life of me figure out how I do that. I might be looking around the forum and Google, using the complete wrong keywords - but I have not been able to find any resolution to this.

I hope someone in here is way more cleaver than me, because I am close to give up on this one...

Thanks in advance.
You have to assign the ip to the reseller the users are under with admin level ip management. After that you can change the ip of the user in modify user.

Hi scsi,

Thanks for the links - I need to say that I am brand new to DirectAdmin - so it is indeed trial by fire :)

I have not setup any reseller on the server - as it it just me using it.

I tried to create a reseller user, however only the old IP shows up in the dropdown menu.

Did you add the domain as a full domain under a User account, or did you just add a dns zone to named, without any apache configs?

Basically, when adding a domain to DA, you must do it at the "User Level".
This will setup everything for you, including the dns.

If all you've done is gone to:
Admin Level -> DNS Admin -> Add Zone

without adding the domain to a User account, then you'll need to delete that zone from the DNS Admin page.
To confirm if the domain has been added to DA, go to:
Admin Level -> Show All Users

if you see the domain in the "domains" column, then the domain has been correctly added to an account.
If it's not there, then you need to add it.. in which case:
1) Delete the zone, as mentioned above. (Else you'll get Domain Already Exists error)

2) Once delete, to add the domain under admin's User Level, click:
User Level -> Domain Administration -> Add Another domain


to add the domain under a different User account (if you don't want to manage it under an Admin), click:
Reseller Level -> Add New User

You may need to add a package first:
Reseller Level -> Manage User Packages

Adding a domain this way will setup all configs for apache, dns, ftp, email, paths, default templates, etc...
It's the way domains should be added.
Only adding the dns zone is only for when you're only doing dns hosting and all services (except named) are run on an external box.


If you just need to change the IP of one User, you'd use:
Reseller Level -> List Users -> username -> modify username -> select the new IP.

**However** if you need to change all Users to the new IP, including all configs, you'd use the, to do it in one swoop:

step 4.

This is related to explain the original message, but the above instructions are how to ensure the VirtualHost exists for the domain with the IP.

"Note: I already wrote back to the support mail - but I will also add this to here, in case anyone else - just as lacking in DA skills might learn a bit"

Thanks for your amazingly long and detailed answer - I'm all kinds of amazed :)

The domains (3) were all anded in user level, and worked as a charm before the migration - so I do believe that all that is needed is the IP swap.

I just read your link - step 4 - please bare with me, as I all all kinds of new to these things. These commands mentioned - where are they to be input? Am I to use some kind of command prompt - and if that case, how do I access this?

I know I sound like a fool on this, however I did not know that the host have no support on DirectAdmin, and I have no knowledge in the use of DirectAdmin beside adding a new domain, and creating FTP/Mail.

Once again thank you for your help - it is very much appreciated.
If you don't know how to use a root shell login to DirectAdmin I really don't want to tell you; a simple misdirected space in a command can easily delete your entire server. Contact me by email (not private message) if you still need help. My email address is below in my siglines.

Problem sorted!

Alright - kinda sorted. I gave up on the IP swap, and instead created a new VPS with my host, in the new data center. I managed to install DA (almost by myself - thanks for the assistance John) - and have just changed my DNS settings - so all should be sorted now.

Once again thanks to all that have tried to help out this confused man - on the plus side, I have learned a bit about using PuttY.

And may I say; the guys answering my stupid questions over the support mail are amazing, such patience me - thank you!