Change user E-mail


New member
Oct 16, 2008

I have 2 questions:
1. How can I change registered user's Email ?
2. How do I change the System main Email ?

Thanks to helpers !
I don't know what you mean by "registered" user. Do you just mean a user on the server or do you mean the email for yourself on the forum or for your DA client account? The DA client account and forum are the only places you have to "register."

Also what do you mean by the "system main email"? Do you mean root's email or admin's email. Admin is changed like you would any other user on the server.
1. How can I change registered user's Email ?
The easiest way would be to create a forward in the control panel. For the main (site user) email, the forward means that no email will go into the mailbox; all will be forwarded.
2. How do I change the System main Email ?
The easiest way for either admin or root is to create a .forward file in the user's home directory; /home/admin for admin, and /root for root.

1. How can I change registered user's Email ?

I though he might mean the email address associated with the account when you view the user details. That is why I asked for clarification.
How do I change the email addy tied to the main admin account?
How do I give that email a password?
I believe the answer is already given.
the email address associated with the account when you view the user details.

If you are looking for exact words the button is "admin's User Data"

Or do you mean something different?
I believe you mean that, for example, for user heek, with the domain, you want to change the user email address which is [email protected].

If so, then note that you cannot do that. You cannot even disable the account. What you can, and probably should do, is forward it to another account.

It's password is the same password for the account as any other process on the account; for example, it's the same password you use to log into the control panel or for FTP.

Note also that the email login is NOT [email protected], but rather simply heek.

But I wouldn't use it for email; I'd forward it to a different account. Note that when you forward email for the admin account it does NOT also stay in the user mailbox, as does email for virtual email accounts when you forward them.
