Change Welcome Email Details? How?


Verified User
Jun 17, 2008
Hi, I have managed to find and edit the u_welcome.txt file without an issue. However when emails are sent to users the actual name they come from is...

admin <[email protected]> for example.

How can I change both the name "admin" and the actual "email address" so it comes from something like:

MyHosting 1<[email protected]>

I am just using examples for this, as I have a number of DA panels and I would like to be able to customise all of them as it's getting confusing with just "admin" in the title and needing to see what email it came from.
I looked, and looked again, however I don't see any option there to change the information it only list tickets or gives me the option to specify an address that a copy of all messages are sent to.