Starting from tonight I can't log into DA, it gives me the error: Invalid login. Please verify your Username and Password
I have verified it, and it is correct, but I'm still unable to log in. I have searched the forum for solutions to changing the DA password through SSH using this command:
And it changes the UNIX password, but I'm still not able to log in.
Does anyone know a way around this? Is the password stored in the DB (which I also can't get into because of PHP errors, which is looking more and more like a hack) or in a file somewhere?
Starting from tonight I can't log into DA, it gives me the error: Invalid login. Please verify your Username and Password
I have verified it, and it is correct, but I'm still unable to log in. I have searched the forum for solutions to changing the DA password through SSH using this command:
passwd admin
And it changes the UNIX password, but I'm still not able to log in.
Does anyone know a way around this? Is the password stored in the DB (which I also can't get into because of PHP errors, which is looking more and more like a hack) or in a file somewhere?