Changing default mail headers


Verified User
Jan 17, 2004
I'm using an e-mail program that set's up e-mail headers based on settings I specify in the program's control panel. However, the Return-path and Sender (even if I hard code them into the script responsible for setting up the headers) always come out as '[email protected]' instead of '[email protected]'

I contacted the vendor and they said that my host (I own the server by the way) is ensuring that the headers can't be changed and to ask them to stop it happening.

Does anyone think that's possible? If it is, does anyone know how I allow for the headers to be set by this php-based e-mail program?

Thanks in advance for any pointers/help you can give!
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Sender and Return-path headers by default are immutable; otherwise you couldn't find your spammers.

But you can set trusted users. Here's some information from the exim man page:
Processes running as root or the Exim user are always trusted. Other trusted users are defined by the trusted_users or trusted_groups options. In the absence of -f, or if the caller is not trusted, the sender of a local message is set to the caller as login name at the default qualify domain.
Once you know what you're doing, add the user to the trusted_users line in /etc/exim.conf, and restart exim.

(and forget about that -f command line option, you really shouldn't mess with how exim is called.

Yay! Thanks for your help, that worked perfectly. I tried doing it as admin but that conf file was read only so I figured I had to do it as root and it worked perfectly. Glad to see you're still here Jeff!!!

Gavin Fawcett (UK)