Let's say the username you wish to move is called "jack". Here is what you can do by logging in with root in SSH:
mv /home/jack /home2/jack
ln -s /home2/jack /home/jack
chown jack:access /home/jack
After that check user and group of the files to make sure that permissions are ok. You may need to chown the files in /home2. Usually not.
P.S. Having said that, this may actually create issues with Apache (like with it's FollowSymLinks directive which may prevent it from accessing the files if they are served through symlink). According to this
software for iPhone a better solution thank "ln -s" would be:
mount --bind --verbose /home2/jack /home/jack
And the command must be add to /etc/fstab in order to work after reboot:
/home2/jack /home/jack none defaults,bind 0 0