Changing the domain name


Verified User
Nov 7, 2005
Hello Forum.

We were using a test domain name to test one of our online shops.
Now that the shop is ready and fully tested we would like to change the domain name to the one we are going to permanently use.
Until now we used the test domain as main domain for the account and the real domain name as a pointer.

We was thinking to use the “Change a Domain Name” function in the control panel.
Question is , what are the consequences of doing this ?

We do not have any e-mail accounts on the test domain name only the site itself and the sql database.

Both Domains point to the same IP so I'm not worried about the DNS replication or caching , just how will this domain name change affect the permisions , folders etc.

Thank you in advance.
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what will get changed:

1, the domain folder (/home/user/domains/ and the public_html symbolic link

2, named DB,

3, Apache virtual host config file

4, DA internal data

its fine to change the domain name