Need help - Charset
hello there,
i have a lil' problem with my dedicated server and would like to know what can i do to resolve it.
The charsets wont appear when i post a message or a sql request on a forum or any ""software"" using php and mysql. Well that's ok if it's in a plain HTML format.
test tèst tést tééest tàst tást tìst tôst tòst tóst tíst
specials characters appears like this in phpbb:
test tïÔt tñÔt tòëest tßÔt táÔt t÷Ôt t
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Freebsd 5.21
Directadmin 1.23.4
Apache 1.3.33
Php 4.3.10
MySQL 4.1.10
(It's in french...)
hello there,
i have a lil' problem with my dedicated server and would like to know what can i do to resolve it.
The charsets wont appear when i post a message or a sql request on a forum or any ""software"" using php and mysql. Well that's ok if it's in a plain HTML format.
test tèst tést tééest tàst tást tìst tôst tòst tóst tíst
specials characters appears like this in phpbb:
test tïÔt tñÔt tòëest tßÔt táÔt t÷Ôt t
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Freebsd 5.21
Directadmin 1.23.4
Apache 1.3.33
Php 4.3.10
MySQL 4.1.10
(It's in french...)
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