Checking Quotas


Verified User
May 19, 2004
I was forced to do a reinstall of the OS and DA after fixing hard ware problems.
Since the /home partition was a separate drive -- it has been saved.
This install is spending hours spinning through a "quota" check. I do not remember it taking this long the first time I installed DA.
What is the purpose of this check? Quotas?
Is there a way to stop this from happening if I need to do future reinstalls?
If your /home already had data and accounts etc. then thats probably what is causing it to take so long. Are you sure the quota is checked when running DirectAdmin's installation, not just when booting up?

From what I can tell of the file, it only checks for quotacheck and if it doesn't exist, installs it (which I guess could trigger a check).
The check only took place when I was doing a reinstall. I have now managed to get DA installed and nearly everything is running as expected. We are still encountering a few annoyances, but these are slowly, but surely, being tracked down and cured.
Thanks for the comment.