At that point you can remove it. Obviously you sit idle and don't have a clean introduce. In the event that you abandon it you don't get the MariaDB 10 recorded possibly, you get 5.5. Obviously on the off chance that it put in 10 that wouldn't be MySQL perfect. Maybe if individuals stop amidst the inquiries, and go in SSH and alter options.conf, except if the alternatives are in memory and the record gets reworked, or perhaps make the whole registry structure early and pre-position an options.conf document, as long as you have the present choices adaptation, obviously it's much less demanding just to ask in the content.
There must be a system or motivation affecting everything here on the grounds that it isn't sensible not to have it be an introduce choice. We've gone from the #1 piece of the overall industry database with 47.32% that was the default, and asking which adaptation you need, to one with .064% piece of the pie (2019), and not in any case inquiring. I'm mindful some distros have changed to MariaDB however significantly a larger number of components drive those choices than ease of use. There are masters to MySQL over MariaDB likewise, for example, genuine JSON, genuine DESC files which can take questions on extensive tables from 1/2 moment to 1/tenth of a second, state-of-the-art security for remote associations, better client job setup, and quicker UTF8 databases.