Choosing blocklists

I already know how to find which lists work best on my servers; I like to see what others experience :).

I know this is an older thread, however... how would one get such statistics to see what blocklist has blocked how many emails?
You can grep the blocklist name out of your exim rejectlog.

However the numbers are not very useful. Once a blocklist blocks an email, it's not run thorugh any other blocklist, so the perceived efficiency of a blocklist very much depends on it's position in the list.

How do we choose our positioning of blocklists? Somewhat arbitrarily, but we do run last blocklists that argue that if you use them for a large amount of emails you should pay them. Note that which blocklists you choose to use, and i what order, is your responsibility.

For people who don't want such a responsibility we're considering running our own consolidated list, but if we ever do it, there would be a monthly charge.
