ClamAV Install on 64 Bit CentOS5


Verified User
Jun 22, 2009
I'm wanting to know if there is any post that tells you how to correctly install ClamAV on CentOS 5 64bit? As well, where can I get the 64bit version of ClamAV if they have one?
I'd like to enable ClamAV for e-mail. I'm running Exim 4.69 without the SMTP Limiter plugin.
We've used this thread for quite some time now and still works for us.

Be sure to follow the Administrator note at the top of the thread.

There's no special 64bit version of ClamAV that I know of.

Note that you should always use the latest version of ClamAV, and that your exim.conf file may differ from the examples shown, especially if you're using my latest SpamBlocker 3 RCs or final (final not published as of posting date but due soon).

We've used this thread for quite some time now and still works for us.

Be sure to follow the Administrator note at the top of the thread.

There's no special 64bit version of ClamAV that I know of.

Note that you should always use the latest version of ClamAV, and that your exim.conf file may differ from the examples shown, especially if you're using my latest SpamBlocker 3 RCs or final (final not published as of posting date but due soon).


I'm confused. I see the administrative note. However, the original post has been updated, unless I a missing something.
The perl lines, are what I'm referring to.
perl -pi -e "s/^Example/#Example/g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e 's#^LocalSocket /tmp/clamd.socket#LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd#g' /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^#MaxThreads 20/MaxThreads 5/g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^#ScanMail/ScanMail/g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^Example/#Example/g" /etc/freshclam.conf

The single post, however, says this:
perl -pi -e 's#^LocalSocket /tmp/clamd.socket#LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd#g' /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^#MaxThreads 20/MaxThreads 5/g" /etc/clamd.conf

Does this mean that I don't need the perl lines from the original post? And instead should use the ones from the single post?
These are the perl one-liners we use:
perl -pi -e "s/^Example/#Example/g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^#MaxThreads 20/MaxThreads 5/g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^#ScanMail/ScanMail/g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s&^LocalSocket /tmp/clamd&LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd&g" /etc/clamd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/^Example/#Example/g" /etc/freshclam.conf
What they do is make changes to the two configuration files. If the first part doesn't exist they don't change anything.

When I start the ClamAV server, I get this:
[root@firestar ~]# /usr/local/sbin/clamd
ERROR: Please define server type (local and/or TCP).
How do I do this? Or is this even needed?
If so, what file do I configure, and what should I put in such a file?
The versions I have don't have this problem. Do you have a file at /etc/clamd.conf?

Have you checked the manual
$ man clamd
for more information?

The versions I have don't have this problem. Do you have a file at /etc/clamd.conf?

Have you checked the manual
$ man clamd
for more information?


I'm using clamav-0.96.1 on CentOS 5.5 64 bit.
I had to tell it to use a local socket /var/run/clamd in clamav.conf, then uncomment and change where it said: av_scanner = clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamav
In exim.conf, to read
av_scanner = clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamd
Then uncomment the rest of the ClamAV directives having to do with clamav.
And does it work for you now? Instructions in old versions of the exim.conf file made sense when the file was distributed, but ClamAV continues to evolve.

And does it work for you now? Instructions in old versions of the exim.conf file made sense when the file was distributed, but ClamAV continues to evolve.


Seems to. It places an x-anti-virus header, so I'd assume it's working.
Although Exim shows nothing about ClamAv in it's logs.
Exim delivers the email to ClamAV. When it gets it back, it delivers it to the user mailbox.

I solve this problem like this :
ERROR: Please define server type (local and/or TCP).

In /etc/clamd.conf

I uncomment these 2 lines :
LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket
PidFile /var/run/clamav/
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