Client IPs in mod_status from mod_remoteip


Verified User
Jan 5, 2007
I have Nginx setup in a reverse proxy and its passing IPs to Apache.
For some reason mod_status wont recognise client IPs and instead shows my website IP as a client IP.

Here is my old Apache 2.2 mod_rpaf configuraton:
#RPAFenable On
#RPAFproxy_ips website IP server IP
#RPAFsethostname On
#RPAFheader X-Forwarded-For

New Apache 2.4 mod_remoteip configuration:
RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For
RemoteIPTrustedProxy website IP server IP

Is it about wrong mod_realip configuration or Apache 2.4 isnt supposed to work like this?

Also logs werent working correctly, but were fixed by changing the format from %h to %a.
It doesnt have much to do with DA and there are thousands of Nginx in a reverse proxy setups working perfectly.

Still looking for Apache 2.4 experienced people's replies.
No, what you're really looking for is someone with experience with Apache 2.4 and Nginx.

I've moved this thread to our Third-party software forum, where it belongs. Hopefully you'll find someone who can help you.

It doesnt have much to do with DA and there are thousands of Nginx in a reverse proxy setups working perfectly.

Still looking for Apache 2.4 experienced people's replies.


I like nginx, and I've been using nginx+apache since about 2005 year with Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.x.

Now I've faced the same issue, you are writing about, and still have not found a suitable solution. I've tried the both mod_rpaf patched for Apache 2.4 and remoteip_module (static module for Apache 2.4). Nice to know that I'm not the only one facing this issue, as I did not find much with Google on the subject. For production servers I've downgraded Apache to 2.2.x, and I've got now Apache 2.4 onlhy on one of dev servers, and I'm going to go on with investigation on the issue as soon as I get more free time. For now I have no time for that, unless you're willing to pay.