closing case sensitivity

Case sensitivity where?

Linux is case sensitive. There are RFCs determing where case sensitivity should and shouldn't be an issue, specifically in email and URLs.

You shouldn't, it's not RFC.
Anyway, what exactly do you want to have case insensitive? All pages names? And why?
You should also note that it will either bring down a little bit your server performance (if you use HTTP redirects) or break search engines rank value (if you use aliases).
I have a customer who used some upper case in his websites, and I thought it might be easier to make it case-insensitive rather than go thru and change all his pages and links to lower case. On my windows box it is case insensitive.

How would I use case sensitivity as a benefit? Is it really benefiical to have something like and as seperate pages? Seems like it might just bring in more confusion.
In fact case sensitivity is not meant to permit "xxx" and "XXX" to be at the same time.
It's just one of the many ways to make software lighter and faster (to write and to run), because you don't have to match two characters (or more, in some languages) every time you input one. Of course it's not much more work to do, but it's better than nothing.

Anyway, I think that it's actually easier (and search-engine-friendly) to change the pages link in your customer's website. If you paste here a couple of A tags as example of his links, I can give you a perl regexp command to fix them all in one time.
Microsoft Windows does case-insensitivity at the OS level; it simply masks a bit before doing any comparisons. I suppose you could figure out a way to do this in the source code of whatever library apache uses to read input, and recompile. Otherwise it has to be done (as tillo points out) at a much higher level, where it definitely slows down performance and will break page ranking.

And, donkeyKICK, while you may not see a reason for FAQ and faq to refer to different resource, everyone doesn't agree with you. Lots of webdesigners have ended up with problems moving from 'nix to MSWindows because of duplicate files/directories.

Hmm... I'm not saying it isn't useful, I was just wondering how it would be. I've talked with a friend, and he said exactly the same thing as you. He said he only uses lower case (he uses both windows and 'nix so he probably gets in habbits that work well for both), but says others might like having upper/lower case represent different files.

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