Cloudflare Proxy Over Port 2222 Vote For Feature Request

Yeah i know it can be changed. Just still would be nice to cover 2222. Curious how many web hosts and directadmin users do actually change the 2222 port ?
Hi all! I'm reviving this old thread. DirectAdmin is growing more popular by the day, so let's make sure we keep adding our votes to this feature request at Cloudflare!

Wouldn't this mess with email that is sent via the hostname (PTR, etc)? If not, slap me with a wet fish....
Good question! Yeah, but if you're trying to hide the host IP via Cloudflare, you should be using remote mail anyway. Having locally hosted email will reveal your host IP. Just run the following on any Cloudflare domain that is using local email:

dig a +short `dig mx +short DOMAIN.TLD`
I'm just thinking of the emails sent via DirectAdmin (welcome, tickets, etc), will it match SPF, DIM, etc......... But I'm digressing.......

If DA had the ability to use an external SMTP to send (which has been asked years ago), it'll be fine...
I'm just thinking of the emails sent via DirectAdmin (welcome, tickets, etc), will it match SPF, DIM, etc......... But I'm digressing.......

If DA had the ability to use an external SMTP to send (which has been asked years ago), it'll be fine...
Ohhh, has a feature request been submitted for this via yet? If yes and you have the link, feel free to share so more votes can be added! ;)

I did find this existing feature request, though: