cloudlinux 8 or 9 (solved)


Verified User
Aug 1, 2020
Hi guys, I'm setting up a new server with directadmin, which version of cloudlinux is most recommended?

Ryzen 7 5700 Server
just updating to close the topic.

recommended for directadmin is Cloudlinux 8,

Cloudlinux 9 is not officially supported...
no supported YET, but many here on forum tells that already using it 3-6 months without issues.
Also CL9 doesnt support php 5.5 and lower (if you need it).
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just updating to close the topic.

recommended for directadmin is Cloudlinux 8,

Cloudlinux 9 is not officially supported...
@smtalk Cloudlinux is supporting Directadmin but he writes Cloudlinux 9 is not officially supported (so by Directadmin), which is true according due to a statement @fln made earlier.
Issues will be fixed if reported, but not officially supported anymore.

However, indeed some are running it without issues for some time now, so that is good news.
if you have professional IT staff, it's fine to use it with carefully. because unofficial support could gone wrong on your server.
It works.

But you might need to copy some files to directory's.


Copy to:

On RHEL based systems with MariaDB or MySQL you need check your logs for warnings about the legacy tmpfile location /var/run. You can easy fix it.
How to can be found here:
@smtalk Cloudlinux is supporting Directadmin but he writes Cloudlinux 9 is not officially supported (so by Directadmin), which is true according due to a statement @fln made earlier.
Issues will be fixed if reported, but not officially supported anymore.

However, indeed some are running it without issues for some time now, so that is good news.
Where was a statement that it is not supported? :) As I am not aware of it. - as docs state, it is fully supported, just gets no "automated" tests (which were absent years ago in DA at all). CL gets manual testing from time to time.
As I am not aware of it.
Somebody asked, because Cloudlinux 9 is not in the supported OS anymore. I didn't say "not" supported but "not officially". So that means like mentioned in supported OS and such.
To me this sounds kind of supported, but not the same as with CL 8. But maybe I understood it wrongly.

Statement is here:
;I understand - Long explanation for me as

DirectAdmin has couple of virtual machines that run all distros that are listed as supported then a script rund daily yum update / apt upgrade and if some components are updated then script run da build all on different setups to ensure that every component can be build and is working (

Some sort of automatic QA (that do not exist in the past) da knows for issues before we experience it fixing them

That is on vanilla OS where all working components are biting by DA...

For some reason X (I suppose because some working components come from CL - php selector for example - even it is upgraded OK and build is ok and DA runs OK there is possibility it do not works after update) automatic testing would not catch it and it is not an issue DA should fix is the reason it is not included in auto testing and not in listed in the supported OS ad not daily tested for 100% compatibility ...

BUT both companies try to fix founded mistakes after report (which mean supported)
;I understand - Long explanation for me as

DirectAdmin has couple of virtual machines that run all distros that are listed as supported then a script rund daily yum update / apt upgrade and if some components are updated then script run da build all on different setups to ensure that every component can be build and is working (

Some sort of automatic QA (that do not exist in the past) da knows for issues before we experience it fixing them

That is on vanilla OS where all working components are biting by DA...

For some reason X (I suppose because some working components come from CL - php selector for example - even it is upgraded OK and build is ok and DA runs OK there is possibility it do not works after update) automatic testing would not catch it and it is not an issue DA should fix is the reason it is not included in auto testing and not in listed in the supported OS ad not daily tested for 100% compatibility ...

BUT both companies try to fix founded mistakes after report (which mean supported)
Great explanation! (y)
BUT both companies try to fix founded mistakes after report (which mean supported)
Yes supported, but not officially mentioned and fixes only after ticket reports. So could take a bit of time.

I'm not really native English, but if it's supported via ticket support I still don't understand then why it's not mentioned in supported OS.
If you fix it, then imho it's supported, I still now see it as half supported because not mentioned in the supported list. It's confusing for people.
Yes supported, but not officially mentioned and fixes only after ticket reports. So could take a bit of time.

I'm not really native English, but if it's supported via ticket support I still don't understand then why it's not mentioned in supported OS.
If you fix it, then imho it's supported, I still now see it as half supported because not mentioned in the supported list. It's confusing for people.

I cannot say exactly why but I can speculate... when I started getting Ryzen 3XXX servers in 2020 and has them in most locations I hid several locations on the production page left them only available on the billing system order page (older service with 2690v4 was not bad vs other providers but was subpar vs newer CPUs and that was visible with naked eye (single thread execution of wordpress page)... some locations with newer cpu was only couple of hundreds miles away from old cpu locations so I left them available but only for customers that would know / has the benefits from the location and can accept slower CPU in exchange for that... and are pro enough to optimize their site for the older CPU)

SO in case of DA because level of support due to automatic QA testing of the vanilla OS setups with CL has subpar support (not generaly but VS Vanilla) and DA do not list it to not put it in front of new customers because CloudLinux sound more sexy (how Elon Musk Jokes for his EV models S 3 X Y) than other vanilla OS names and some new customers can choose it solely for that ... Only customers that know what they are doing and know benefits and accept the standard level of testing should order it

How I sayed this is speculation
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