Verified User
I know we all know CloudLinux to be a CentOS derivative so therefore as far as getting support goes CloudLinux users should be relatively happy. As a new CloudLinux customer myself and having a sneak peak at the pricing table on, I noticed the recommended OS for DirectAdmin is actually now CloudLinux and not CentOS, great news to be fair.
The only thing I found strange though was that on the forum list, CentOS appears (6 & 7) but there is no CloudLinux forum!!!! Maybe update the descriptions or some such?
Just an observation!
I know we all know CloudLinux to be a CentOS derivative so therefore as far as getting support goes CloudLinux users should be relatively happy. As a new CloudLinux customer myself and having a sneak peak at the pricing table on, I noticed the recommended OS for DirectAdmin is actually now CloudLinux and not CentOS, great news to be fair.
The only thing I found strange though was that on the forum list, CentOS appears (6 & 7) but there is no CloudLinux forum!!!! Maybe update the descriptions or some such?
Just an observation!