Cloudlinux to Almalinux migration (with perpetual license)


Verified User
Jul 15, 2023
I have a dedicated server with Directadmin running CloudLinux 7.

My Directadmin license is perpetual.

I want to migrate to a new server with Almalinux 8.x without Cloudlinux.

I have some doubts:

- Does the pro pack work on the new server with a perpetual license?

- Can accounts on the old server (with Cloudlinux) be migrated without problems to the new server with Almalinux (without Cloudlinux) with pro pack activated?

Thanks in advance

- Does the pro pack work on the new server with a perpetual license?
There is no pro pack anymore. What you call pro pack is integreted in modern licenses only.
I presume with "perpetual license" you mean a legacy license like lifetime or personal license. In that case no, there will be no pro pack available.
However, if you are now paying for pro pack, and that is perpetual, then probably if you keep paying, you can keep using the pro pack.
To be 100% sure of this, you can best send an email to sales.

When no Pro Pack available, then you can migrate accounts from the old to new server, but the Pro pack functionality will be missing. So for example users would keep their Wordpress installations, but can't use the Wordpress manager anymore.

I'm not sure if any of the other options might throw errors. Like redis config or other pro pack parts as far as you've installed them.

Also be aware that in Cloudlinux users can use all kinds of PHP versions and php modules. In DA you can use max. 4 PHP versions and maybe less modules or they need to be installed seperately.
This could cause issues maybe. So it could be wise, before migrating, to set accounts to php versions which you install on the new server.

Maybe others have additional tips for you.
Hello Roberto,

- Can accounts on the old server (with Cloudlinux) be migrated without problems to the new server with Almalinux (without Cloudlinux) with pro pack activated?

As Richard has already mentioned, you will need to make sure the target server without CloudLinux has the same PHP versions as the source one with CloudLinux. DirectAdmin does not support PHP versions older than 5.6, and it won't let you even install them. So if your current users still run sites under older PHP versions, you will need either to get their sites upgraded or stick to CloudLinux. NodeJS, Governor are another point to check.

We can check the things for you and list users with outdated PHP versions, list other possible requirements and conflicts, and write a report. As well as we can migrate your current server to a new OS.