

Verified User
Jan 3, 2006
I've been working on some scripts and would like to provide a notice / alert type message for admin.

Apparently there is no way other than to use the API for creating tickets available.

My first choice was to create a message from root or diradmin using .sh -- which is not possible AFAIK.

Using the API sort of works with user=diradmin or root, there are errors and warnings and it's not really creating the right effect.

Ultimatly the use of admin is the most workable approach but the problem is that the messages created are designated as 'read' for admin upon creation and will/do not trigger a 'send to email' event based on that option of the ticket management area. (checkbox and email field at bottom of a ticket list page.

Basically I want to have my script generate a ticket system message, which also triggers the optional email to be sent for the admin account.