Command line backup users error.


Verified User
Jun 9, 2016
Istanbul, TR

I have changed my vps licence with new one. Than I try to backup command line. I have an error like below.
On old vps make some chmod setting etc.

I used this guid step by step and all stopped.

How to backup user?

pidfile written
staring queue
dataskq: command: action=backup&append%5Fto%5Fpath=nothing&database%5Fdata%5Faware=yes&email%5Fdata%5Faware=yes&local%5Fpath=%2Fhome%2Fadmin%2Fadmin%5Fbackups&owner=admin&type=admin&value=multiple&when=now&where=local&who=all
User::setQuota(0, inodes=0, partition='(null)') user=admin
quota command: /usr/sbin/setquota admin 0 0 0 0 /
Quotas set
lstat(/var/www/html/squirrelmail/data/admin.pref): No such file or directory
lstat(/var/www/html/squirrelmail/data/admin.abook): No such file or directory
lstat(/var/www/html/squirrelmail/data/admin.sig): No such file or directory
lstat(/var/www/html/squirrelmail/data/admin.words): No such file or directory
That doesn't look like a stopping error, the backup should work also if you're not using squirrelmail, you should have another error.

backup finished but there was no mysql database. only email accounts and docs in it.
I tried 2 times and same result. Than I did mysqldump for backup via command line.

Best regards.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set mysql_backup yes
./build mysql_backup

and find backups in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups

copy and restore backups on your new server then.
That's actually strange, the first command have the option for databases enabled.

Ho did you check that there are no databases in the backup?

When I restore backup, there was no database in the user mysql panel.
And I thing so strange. Thought maybe when I was trying to set suPHP with mentioned guide, changed something chmod or chown folders ect. I dont know.
Ok, if you managed to get them for CB is ok.
But you should check the compressed file, they should have a folder called backup inside if i don't recall wrong, inside that folder there should be the .sql file.

If MySQL backups did not restore from Directadmin backups, that might mean that da_admin's password is not correctly set in mysql.conf (or it was changed).