Comodo WAF supports LiteSpeed. Does Custom Build need to build modsecurity?


Verified User
Mar 6, 2010
Four Marks, Alton, Hampshire
We've recently upgraded our Apache webservers to LiteSpeed, but our Comodo WAF is not working, as mod_security is not built by custombuild.

Looking at CWAF, it supports LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed should work with the CWAF rules.

But how do I get CWAF installed into DirectAdmin with the litespeed rules without having to build mod_security (which doesn't build with LiteSpeed) as LiteSpeed already has mod_security compatibility?

Any takers?
OK, I've been able to remove apache and nginx from the custombuild directory and install the CWAF application and CustomBuild sees it and will update the rule etc.

However, the Mod_security conf line is empty, so whilst it appears everything else is working, LiteSpeed is just not picking up the rules.

Has anyone else had issues with getting LSWS 5 to work with Comodo mod_sec rules?