Compile PHP with IMAP


Verified User
Oct 21, 2007
Hello, I need to compile PHP --with-imap[=DIR] so what do I put as DIR?

As of now I have two servers which is running CentOS 5 and Debian (Ubuntu 7.0.4) and I had some issues with the Debian server before recompiling PHP so I have to ask before I do anything. Both servers are running PHP as CGI/Fast CGI and PHP5.
Hello, I need to compile PHP --with-imap[=DIR] so what do I put as DIR?

As of now I have two servers which is running CentOS 5 and Debian (Ubuntu 7.0.4) and I had some issues with the Debian server before recompiling PHP so I have to ask before I do anything. Both servers are running PHP as CGI/Fast CGI and PHP5.

You ca used the Update.Script to installed imap
ITDevil, I havn't tryed the update.script yet but I found this as an option:

Why would I prefer the update.script?
Is there any advantages with the update.script or is that only another way of doing things like this?

Add the tweo lines in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.php5: (Asuming you'll be using PHP5 and apache 2)


^^ Check the IMAP version that gets installed.
Randy, I added the lines as described by You and then:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build clean
./build php n

I have no luck, nothing gets installed. :(

Do You have any pointers for me?
Randy, I added the lines as described by You and then:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build clean
./build php n

I have no luck, nothing gets installed. :(

Do You have any pointers for me?

You first have to install the imap extentions manually.
It can be done with the update.script. Or give a shout and i will install it for you. (free, and need root access. My timezone is GMT+1, Europe/Amsterdam). Don't use './build clean', it possibly cleans the lines you've just addes in the configure.php5. Please check this.
Randy, that would be nice. I am giving this a last go first and if it doesn't work I'll PM You. :)
Randy, that would be nice. I am giving this a last go first and if it doesn't work I'll PM You. :)

Logged in right now. Don't use the './build clean' en set 'clean=off' in options.ini because it can remove the lines you've just added to enable IMAP/IMAP-SSL.
Another thing; Becourse you where using PHP in (Fast)CGI mode with SuPHP, the configuration file is located in $DA-dir/custombuild/configure/suphp/configure.php5
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