Complex phpmail issue with wordpress


Verified User
Sep 27, 2008
I have a very complex phpmail and wordpress issue that myself and a server admin company have been working on without resolution.

Any suggestions would be extremely appreciated!!!

Here's the issue. I have two wordpress installs and one works flawlessly with the visual form builder plugin that uses phpmail to send notifications.

The other which is my main money-making site will not send emails from visual form builder nor from usernoise, BUT will send email from cforms II (weird I know as they all use the same protocol). I want to move away from cforms II for a number of reasons.

So because one install works and another doesn't, it's not a server issue, but there must be some difference in the actual accounts on DA that is causing this difference.

The mail is not coming back bounced nor is it getting stuck in spam. Although the scripts say they're sending mail, I don't think they actually are.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. We've been working on this non-stop for days and my head is hurting! :)
Try this: Log into the account at DirectAdmin panel and click on "MX Records" and then click on "Save" (without making any changes). Then wait a minute or two, then test your php mail script. Sometimes this can solve the problem you describe.
The mail is not coming back bounced nor is it getting stuck in spam. Although the scripts say they're sending mail, I don't think they actually are.
Is one of these mail adresses used for as sender for the mail?

If yes, it could be the aliases file is bugging you. In that case, edit your /etc/aliases, put a # in front of those names and restart Exim.
Thanks, but the email address was [email protected] so that wasn't it.

I'm not 100% but I think the above mentioned fix actually DID work but it took longer than I thought. I did the fix, waited about 5 minutes and tried it without success, but then when I came back from taking the dogs to the park, and tried it (looking for some error in php or apache), it worked without a hitch. Nothing else was changed, so thanks Ditto! It was a very simple fix for a very frustrating few days that were stumping both myself and a linux server management company I hired. But it is NOW working! :)