Are clocks on the both server and your network device correct, i.e. synced with the global clocks?
In what browser do you see the error? Did you try different browser?
JavaScript enabled? Disabled in browser?
</body></html><script language="JavaScript">computer_time=Math.floor(Date.now()/1000); server_time=1495644684; time_diff=Math.abs(computer_time-server_time); if (time_diff>432000) { document.getElementById('outofsync').innerHTML='Computer or server time out of sync by '+(Math.round(100*time_diff/3600)/100)+' hours.';}</script>
<script language="JavaScript">computer_time=Math.floor(Date.now()/1000); server…
Actually the JavaScript goes after closing tag </html>, so probably the browser is too old or probably too new... So it would be useful to know its name and version: