Configure Cent OS and Directadmin to work with 1 GB ram?


Verified User
May 31, 2014
I found this guide that promises you to let you run 5-10k visitors per day with a 500MB vps.

Personally I have about 2-3K visits across all sites, +- 5 wordpress sites and the larges has a MYSQL database of 10 MB. One would assume 1GB of ram would be plenty right? I recently endured a bit of ddos and everything became extremely slow since I had no free ram. CPU usage was <10%. But load was very high.

000001965 Warning: The system load average is 12.49 Today at 02:53
000001964 Warning: The system load average is 107.13 Today at 02:42
000001963 Warning: The system load average is 96.64 Today at 02:32
000001962 Warning: The system load average is 90.23 Today at 02:32
000001961 Warning: The system load average is 15.93 Today at 02:20
CPU usage peaked at 39%

I would like my install to respect my ram limit. Unfortunately regarding that guide I cannot find "apache2.conf" at all (tried a find / -name "apache2", no results).

Any suggestions regarding that apache2.conf and possible other tips to be safe with 1 GB of ram?

My usage looks like this:


  • Screenshot 2014-10-22 05.00.38.png
    Screenshot 2014-10-22 05.00.38.png
    77.8 KB · Views: 78
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If you are using swap then you do not have enough ram. Tweak your config settings way down for mysql and apache.
Thanks Sellerone, strangely the "<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>" is not in that config! *Edit* Found it in /extra/httpd-mpm.conf

I am using the default settings. Are there a few important settings that come to mind. The internet has thousands of suggestions but I am not experienced enough (yet) te determine their quality. Right now everything is working (except when under ddos) so I am a little scared to change too much at once.
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Have you tried a wordpress cache plugin, like

If not that is one way you can majorly reduce the load on your wordpress sites.

1GB is enough.. on the minimum side. It's what my vps uses and everthing runs fast, but I don't have heavy loads. I would think you would notice a performace inscrease if you increase the ram, if you often have moderate to high load.