I was going through my firewall earlier blocking a few IP's and subnets that were hounding the network pretty hard. Anyway I noticed this in my INPUT chain and was wondering if they conflict. meaning if the first few let everything through/do nothing and the last few have no affect??
Accept If input interface is lo
Do nothing If input interface is eth0
Do nothing If input interface is eth1
Do nothing If protocol is ICMP and ICMP type is any
Accept If state of connection is ESTABLISHED,RELATED
Reject If protocol is TCP and destination port is 0:20 Blocking Ports 0-20
Accept If input interface is lo
Do nothing If input interface is eth0
Do nothing If input interface is eth1
Do nothing If protocol is ICMP and ICMP type is any
Accept If state of connection is ESTABLISHED,RELATED
Reject If protocol is TCP and destination port is 0:20 Blocking Ports 0-20