Confused about Starting Cubecart?


New member
Feb 4, 2007
Ok Cubecart told me to Install the store though a Ftp Server i get that consept. But there was no thing that said what to use to log in to the Ftp Clint for my site. Also Im confused on how to put the Cart together There are images but no guide or tutrial on how to Install and configure it
Ok Cubecart told me to Install the store though a Ftp Server i get that consept. But there was no thing that said what to use to log in to the Ftp Clint for my site. Also Im confused on how to put the Cart together There are images but no guide or tutrial on how to Install and configure it
first of all what does Cubecart got to do with DirectAdmin?
Second isnt there any readme file in the zip/tar/gz/bz2 u downloaded?
When u use ftp u can use any program from wsftp LE to Filezilla ( i use last b/c its free :D)
Assuming u have an webhosting account with some hoster u received logindetails in ur email with login/password.

Please be more accurate with the problem ( im not a mindreader :) )

I have a Web site Though Directadmin and Downloaded the Cubecart Program though Directadmins Installitron. after that i tryed to figure out what to do to install the store propperly but the thing is im not sure what settings to use enable to upload the files Via. Ftp Client This is Where im stuck at Help Please
I have a Web site Though Directadmin and Downloaded the Cubecart Program though Directadmins Installitron. after that i tryed to figure out what to do to install the store propperly but the thing is im not sure what settings to use enable to upload the files Via. Ftp Client This is Where im stuck at Help Please

U can upload files using your DA login name and password via ftp.yourdomain.tld
If this is not what u mean u might check out instalatron forums b/c Instalatron is a plugin :)