Contacting DA


Verified User
Jul 22, 2007
Does anybody know the phone number for DA? They state they give "lightning-fast support by phone, e-mail, forum, and live online chat.", but it has been several hours since I sent the email, and coming up on 24 hours since I posted on the board with no response to either. Their is down, and everybody is offline in the chat with an operator. I just want to follow-up with the phone call so I can make the decision on whether or not to get a DA license. It wouldn't be the first time my email got lost in the tubes, so I'm not surprised if they haven't received it. I'm on a rather short timeline though, so please excuse my frustrations.
And I never expected them to. I posted on the board the night before, hoping to get something from the community at least, since DA was not open. I sent the email 9AM their time, right when they open, taking note of the general 45 minute turnaround time. 1 hour came and went. 2 hours came and went. 3 hours came and went. 4 hours came and went. 5 hours came and went. I finally received an email response 7 hours and 15 minutes after I sent the email. I've had worse response times, but if you say 45 minutes, at least send me an email saying you received my email and would reply later. I understand my email was of a more technical nature than most pre-sales questions, but at least let me know you got it.
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Unless they slept most of the business day, I doubt it. ;)

As I said, I sent the email 9AM their time, when they open for daily business. I certainly didn't expect an answer immediately, but if they say a 45 minute turnaround during business hours (when I sent the email was during business hours!), it would have been nice to at least have gotten an email stating they received my email. I got my questions answered nonetheless.
I presume you've gotten a response by now. If not, your email may for some reason have been eaten by a spam filter and if so I'd suggest you send them a private message through these forums.

DirectAdmin does NOT maintain telephone hours. And like most of us geeks, if they stay up late all night working on a problem they'll probably sleep late the next morning ;) .

Yes I have. As I said above, DA replied 7 hours later. Not the worst time, certainly, but I've seen better.