could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783


Verified User
Jul 16, 2014

Today I tried to install spamassassin by following the tutorial here. I followed the directives upto here:

./build spamassassin

after which it gives the following erros:

server socket setup failed, retry 1: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 2: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 3: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 4: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 5: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 6: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 7: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 8: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 9: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use

The last line reminded me that I had disabled IPv6 in my system earlier today by following this tutorial.

In addition, I also googled around to see that others have also come to this same problem before, such as in here. But one solution given there did not work for me. I mean it was said we can "force spamd to only use IPv4 by passing "-4" to the command, e.g:

/usr/bin/spamd -d -c -m 10 -4

and that we needed to add the -4 to the init.d script parameters in the start clause so when exim starts/restarts it can bring up spamd


But When I issue

/usr/bin/spamd -d -c -m 10 -4

I get the same errors as above

server socket setup failed, retry 9: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use

Can anyone let me know how I can get rid of this problem?

Many thanks.
If you don't use IPv6, the following should solve your problems:
rpm -e perl-IO-Socket-INET6
It worked!


Thank's alot. It worked.

By the way, do I need to remove -4 form

if [ -e /usr/bin/spamd ]; then /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -m 15 -4 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; fi



because I already had put it in that line.
How to restore if needed


Just out of curiosity and a potential future need, I'd just like to know what I should do to restore


I have the same issue:

Running sa-update.
Starting SpamAssassin.
server socket setup failed, retry 1: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on [::1]:783: Cannot assign requested address
server socket setup failed, retry 2: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 3: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 4: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 5: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 6: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 7: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 8: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
server socket setup failed, retry 9: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use

I have tried

rpm -e perl-IO-Socket-INET6

Without any success also tried:


Add the -4 into the start command, also without success.
I did:
netstat -lptn | grep 783
and then killed the PID that showed up.. In my case spamd was running, so I did kill -9 <pid>
and then did the ./build spamassassin again, and it went well..