cPanel "Tools" or Equivalent


Verified User
Jun 16, 2003
I am a "reseller" on ProWebSpace and currently evaluating their application of DirectAdmin.

I confess I did not do thorough research within this forum to see if answers already posted:

I, for one, miss the simplicity of the embedded features provided via cPanel (for users / customers) ... particularly the CGI-Addon Scripts and CGI-Cgi Center under their "Tools" section.

Yes, I can manually reproduce most of the features, scripts, etc., but most of my general "clients" cannot. Will DA be providing similar features / resources? If affirmative ... schedule? Thank you ... res00186
Yes, it's on the list, but I can't give you an ETA. There are several things taking priority right now.

Thank you for your prompt feedback.

I certainly understand and sympathize with prioritization of tasks. I am impressed by what I see here ... but (I believe) ProWebSpace offers us (resellers) only a thirty-day period to decide whether to migrate to their DA implementation(s) or remain under cPanel servers. At this point, cPanel features on behalf of customers / users carries the swing-weight. I'll stay tuned for (hopefully prompt) implementation of embedded "Tools" features. Thank you ... res00186
if its not ready within 30 days i would still stick with DA, probably due to the fact that it already kills off cpanel with features and is much more stable, it will have everything cpanel has plus much more soon enough anyway ;)

The most frequently used cPanel "Tool" by my clients is "Counter Maker."

I have attempted to find an equivalent with the same degree of simplicity and elegance (including html creation) but have come up empty-handed. Is "Counter Maker" indigenous to cPanel ... or is this CGI script available elsewhere independently? ... res00186
Just curious-- How would one go about manually implementing auto-installation for various scripts, like in Fantastico or cPanel for instance? Using PHP? How would you keep it securely confined within the control panel? I've been looking around for example/documentation on something like this for a while, and I'm a bit of a PHP newbie.
you wouldnt do it through php,

you would add a link in the control panel, when the user clicks transfer or whatever they do, it executes a shell script which would have similar to this:

cp /root/installers/script.php /home//virtual/sitexx/fst/var/www/html/script/script.php

in the script you would hvae ownerships and other things included so the user could be modify aswell.

Apart from that security shouldnt matter to much, if you dont want to be ruuning the shell script from root, keep it away from root and store the files on a website, then its just wget mv script.php /var/www/html/script.php

its simple enough... but you probably do this at your own risk as i, nor DA (i dont think) will take responsibility for any problems that occur.

you may want to look up for some info regarding the use of shell scripts... that search usually has quite a bit of info :)

Hope this helps you.

Repectfully repeating ...

res00186 said:
The most frequently used cPanel "Tool" by my clients is "Counter Maker."

I have attempted to find an equivalent with the same degree of simplicity and elegance (including html creation) but have come up empty-handed. Is "Counter Maker" indigenous to cPanel ... or is this CGI script available elsewhere independently? ... res00186
Any assistance / guidance would be much appreciated ... Thanx much ... res00186