CPU Usage very high


Verified User
Dec 14, 2021
I have a personal DA License installed on a 6CPU 8GB RAM VPS, and it has been working great. Today I received a bunch of "The system load avg is 10+" emails.

When I checked the running processes using htop, I got a lot of these


MySQL CPU usage is also very high with tons of same query
SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key='_wp_attached_file' AND meta_value LIKE '%same-file-name-1.png%'

It's a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server with DirectAdmin Latest version (personal license)
Openlitespeed + lsphp 7.4

The server only has 2 simple WordPress sites without woocommerce. LSCache plugin installed and configured in both sites.
check access and error logs, maybe some type of primitive dDOS/flood from one IP or some bot (check useragent)
Check also log files as here in this topic.
I asked again to be sure for that

And check you WP plugins, try disable short if problem still exist given link is only a example of same kind of message...
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Check also log files as here in this topic.
I asked again to be sure for that

And check you WP plugins, try disable short if problem still exist given link is only a example of same kind of message...
Which log files should I check to find the IP address? I don't even have Yoast SEO installed on either of the sites
Which log files should I check to find the IP address? I don't even have Yoast SEO installed on either of the sites
I gave the links only as example! ( So not for that ip / only that ip and also not for that one yoast problem there wich is old)
Don't know WP and don't have a cristall BaLl.

In topics of the DA forum link are examples for the log files and so on

But you posted a WP problem in start , so you have to look there i guess, and ask in WP forum, also i did mentioned plugins disable to check, if it started then you should know what has changed at that moment if possible, so a update WP , enabled or changed plugin , changed consfig / setting and so on
MySQL CPU usage is also very high with tons of same query


SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key='_wp_attached_file' AND meta_value LIKE '%same-file-name-1.png%'
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