Create admin_backups folder by default


Verified User
Aug 21, 2005
Hi guys,

I think admin_backups folder needs to be created by default, just like user_backups is. The reason:

1- Sometimes I forget I have to create it before a huge back up and the backup fails right when trying to ncftpput it.

2- It's a system folder.

Cheers !
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./;mkdir /home/admin/admin_backups

After the directadmin set up script is done running the command will create the admin_backups directory.
The process of setting up a server requires more than just running the da setup script. The OS has to be installed. Many pieces of software have to be installed prior to running the da setup. I maintain a 2 page document at 10pt. font of all the things required to set up a server. I am sure you have a similar list of stuff that has to be done. I am sure you do not just run and think that you are done. Just add
mkdir /home/admin/admin_backups to that list.

I gave you a solution that would have an immediate effect. Its so much easier to change our own behavior rather than wait for somebody to do it.
I'm going to add it to the creation process of an Admin by default.
I believe the script does create it during backup creation if it's not there, but creating it ahead of time wouldn't hurt.
Thanks for the workaround Floyd! ;)
